I'm placed in Madrid! That's awesome!
August 4th I checked my AFS profile and a few pieces of information were posted. Only 1 family member was listed, so I had to call AFS and see where the rest of the application was. After calling AFS all I know is I have 2 siblings, and they will send me the host family application as soon as they receive it from AFS Spain. Reguardless, I am relieved to know my location. Some small online research shows the population of Madrid around 3 million and the average low winter temperature to be 38 degrees!
In the mix of things, this past week we visited family in Kentucky. It was nice to meet up with everyone again. Since my family is so spread out it's hard to visit on a regular basis. This includes people I haven't seen in 10 years! That's a long time...
Tomorrow is an AFS orientation for me, followed by an orientation for incoming students. It should be a good week! And as a side note, has anyone looked at the news? Le Tour de France winner is from Spain :)
I'll keep ya'll updated -mb
Mary Beth! It's called "Le Tour de France" ;)