Saturday, August 28, 2010


Have you ever tried running really fast while looking behind you? Maybe if you are racing someone. Most people don't do it for very long while those who do usually find themselves in trouble. By turning your head you are able to see the past, but can no longer see where you are going. Everything is slightly thrown off. Your speed decreases, and you can no longer run in a straight line. You are distracted by something in your past, and can no longer look to see the direction in which you are headed. And then finally something snaps to get your attention. You may be nearing the finish line. You may have tripped. Fallen. Or maybe, your competition gained distance and you realized you needed to start paying attention to your own self. But if you would have simply glanced back instead, that would have been enough. The push of your competition would have kept you on track and focused to reach the finish line.

This is simply my goal. To stay focused. As I say goodbye to many people and things here, I need to keep focused on where I am going. Don't get me wrong, there are many people I will miss. But I know if I dwell too long on everything here I will simply trip my way forward towards my new destination. And fall.

So, this is it. My last weekend...before I see the world from a completely different perspective. My last time in the states only understanding one language and one culture. But these are the only lasts that I will have. Things change. People move. Life won't always stay the same no matter where you are. Time changes everything. But whether we like it or not, the show must go on.

Culture is the diversity that makes things different. I am able to understand more of what an exchange year is from the student's point of view. Exchange students you meet are not the same person they are back home. When moving to a different country you have to adapt, and with adaption you become different. Like the blue and green glasses. In your home country you see things through yellow glasses. In your host country you see things through blue glasses. And when the year is over, you go back home and start to see things through green glasses. But people at home still look through the yellow ones. And people in your host country still look through the blue. Neither side has the capability to fully understand each other's way of life.

I had an exchange student who asked me a question that stood out from everything anyone's asked me before about exchange. When they found out I was going on exchange to Spain their response was

"Why? Why would you ever want to leave here? You live in the United States. What makes you want to leave?"

As the countdown continues, this is probably my last post until I arrive in Spain. My suitcase is mostly packed, and after buying a different suitcase that weighs only 10lbs (instead of 15.5) I am very happy to be at 39lbs (44lb max.) with only a few adjustments to make. And in three days, I'll start my journey.

Well, it's been great.


You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. -André Gide

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