The cups at McDonald's have intructions on how to insert a straw into your cup.
In Spanish, and Portuguese...
The type of plugs here are different. Watch out! Here we use 110/220V.
220V gives a lot more of a shock than 110V...
An outlet next to a light switch- I have yet to see a light switch like we have in the US, as most of the ones I have seen here look something like this.
I think just about every medicine box is also written in braile.
The shower. What do you mean, where is it? It's clearly there. To the left you can see a nozzle, that is attached to like a hose. Welcome to the beauty of foreign bathrooms.
Yep. The toliet. The part everyone is embarressed to ask about. You push the button down. There are two options- one side is bigger than the other. I'll leave the math of physics for you to figure out which one you use when. After living in two houses I have found it's not uncommon to try to 'save' a turn and not flush the toliet after every use.
...Yeah. A bidet. If you're curious, google it. People in Spain don't just wash their hands.
A Pepsi can 'sin conservantes'.
Spanish phones. Nutella. Ice water. What else in life do you need? We cannot drink the tap water here in Alicante.
"Los Otros Dos" It's fun translating movie titles, as they aren't exactly the same...
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